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WHO - Chrysotile Asbestos [2014]


The document prepared by WHO provides information on chrysotile asbestos with regards to public health. Part 1 is a short information document which reviews the adverse health effects of exposure to asbestos and WHO's recommendations on the prevention of asbestos-related diseases. Part 2 addresses questions commonly raised by policy-makers on the use of chrysotile asbestos. Part 3 gives a technical summary of the health effects including (i) IARC evaluations of carcinogenicity; (ii) key new studies; and (iii) conclusions on alternatives to asbestos.

Why this Tool/Guidance?

Information provided is useful to support decision making for risk assessment and risk management of asbestos-related diseases. The purpose of the technical summary is to assist policy-makers in assessing the importance of undertakings to prevent the adverse health effects associated with exposure to chrysotile asbestos.

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