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Ensuring adequate resources

Resources are an overarching issue as they are needed to ensure the functioning of all elements that are included in the framework for the management of industrial chemicals. Ensuring adequate resources for the implementation of the system contains two sub elements:

  • Government resources for the legal and administrative infrastructure of the framework.
  • Fees and charges which are paid by industry.

Government resources which are made available to government agencies, departments, or ministries can be used to support staffing and provide the equipment and training required by the government to develop and implement a management system for industrial chemicals.

Fees and charges can be requested from industry for services by the government that complement industry obligations such as controlling the quality of submitted information or reviewing assessments with a feedback to industry. Fees could be requested, for example, for reporting, notification/registration, licensing, authorisation and for import permits.

Obtaining support from decision makers with legislative authority and engaging stakeholders is covered in the Obtaining national support element in the Classification and Labelling System Scheme.

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