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Below is a list of tools relevant for implementing this topic :
- WHO - Ambient (outdoor) air quality and health [2018]
- WHO - Household air pollution and health [2018]
- WHO - Noncommunicable diseases and air pollution [2019]
- WHO - Burden of disease from Household Air Pollution and Ambient Air Pollution for 2012 [2014]
- WHO - Global Ambient Air Quality Database [2018]
- WHO - Ambient air pollution: A global assessment of exposure and burden of disease [2016]
- WHO - Air pollution and child health: prescribing clean air [2018]
- WHO - Literature review on chemical pollutants in indoor air in public settings for children and overview of their health effects with a focus on schools, kindergartens and day-care centres [2021]
- IARC - Diesel and gasoline engine exhaust and some nitroarenes [2013]
- WHO - Health risks of heavy metals from long-range transboundary air pollution [2007]
- WHO - Health effects of black carbon [2012]
- WHO - Health effects of transport-related air pollution: summary for policy-makers [2005]
- World Bank - Are All Air Pollution Particles Equal? - How Constituents and Sources of Fine Air Pollution Particles (PM2.5) Affect Health [2021]